The SIS-office of the Studierendenwerks Mainz offers important information concerning accomodations and living in Mainz, contacts for help and a list of first steps.
Service International Students (SIS)
Studierendenwerk Mainz
Staudingerweg 21
Eingang C, Zimmer 132
55128 Mainz
The official departement of the university to help international students look about the campus.
Abteilung Internationales
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
Forum universitatis 1 & 2
55099 Mainz
If you want to get to know "normal" life in Germany besides campus, get in contact with "normal" people. Look here for more information!
You want to improve your German and get to know people?
Click here to find a tandem.
The students council of the English department (Fachschaft Englisch) meets regularly for a Stammtisch where Germans meet English native speakers to improve their knowledge of the English language. It is a great possibility for you to meet new people and make friends.
Learn German as a foreign language in the ISSK, or choose from a wide range of other language classes.
In its program, AEGEE Mainz/Wiesbaden offers a wide range of events für ERASMUS students. Among those you can find a regular get-together - feel free to join!
Students in the text café help you to write papers in German. They meet at least once the week in the red info box on the campus. Click here to see the dates.
Campus Mainz e.V. ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein und die meiste Arbeit ist ehrenamtlich. Hilf uns dabei auch in Zukunft tolle Dienste für alle kostenlos anzubieten. Unterstütze uns jetzt!