Emily Goodling (eg)


Ehemalige ehrenamtliche Redakteurin und "Abroad in Mainz"-Bloggerin von campus-mainz.net

Studienfächer: Komparatistik

Motivation: As a lover of literature, I am fascinated by the telling of stories—what makes a good story? Why do we need stories in the first place, and what do they accomplish? For me, journalism is just another form of storytelling, and I’m thrilled for the chance to present my own humble narratives to the public as a member of the Campus Mainz team. To learn more about me and my adventures as an American abroad in Germany, visit my blog at www.emilysarahabroad.com. 

Lieblingsplatz auf dem Campus: Whichever seminar room is currently hosting my favorite literature seminar of the semester.

Kontaktmöglichkeit: news@campus-mainz.net

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